Collated Straight Brad Nails/Fuel 16g x 63mm Class 3 Stainless (2000+2)

Collated Straight Brad Nails/Fuel 16g x 63mm Class 3 Stainless (2000+2)

SKU: 223500
Est. £99.63 - £101.70  + VAT
Collated 16-gauge t-head straight brad nails for second-fix (finish) nail guns.

Product Description

Collated 16-gauge t-head straight brad nails for second-fix (finish) nail guns.

- Suitable for use in cordless and pneumatic brad nail guns.
- Great for internal finish (2nd-fix) applications, such as fixing skirtings, architraves and decorative timber.
- Trade pack of 2000 nails + 2 gas fuel cells.
- Austenitic Stainless Steel (A2-304) finish
- Conforms to EN 14592:2008+A1:2012 and Eurocode 5 classification:

Service Class 3: unprotected outdoor environment / exposed directly to atmosphere, high humidity, coastal areas (e.g. fasteners with a 50micron Hot Dip Galv coating or stainless steel)

Product Specification

BrandsPaslode 921596, Timco BSS1664G (64mm)
MaterialCarbon Steel
Length (mm)63
FinishAustenitic Stainless Steel (A2-304)
Head TypeT Head
Dimensions (metric)16g x 63mm
Harmonised StandardEN 14592:2008+A1:2012
Interior Or Exterior UseOutdoors, exposed to weather
IncludesFuel Cells x2
MPN921596, BSS1664G
EAN5033945014844, 5055893359891
Nail TypeStraight Brad
Service Class (EN 14592)3
Gauge (G)16