Collated Clipped Head Plain Shank Nails/Fuel 3.1 x 90mm Class 3 HDG (2200+2)

Collated Clipped Head Plain Shank Nails/Fuel 3.1 x 90mm Class 3 HDG (2200+2)

SKU: 223484
Est. £102.13 - £104.26  + VAT
Clipped (D Head) collated nails for first-fix (framing) nail guns.

Product Description

Clipped (D Head) collated nails for first-fix (framing) nail guns.

- Suitable for use in 34º cordless and pneumatic clipped head first-fix nail guns.
- Clipped head to increase the number of nails per strip and therefore reduce tool loading times.
- Trade pack of 2200 nails + 2 gas fuel cells.
- Plain (smooth) shank for applications where holding power is not a priority.
- Hot Dip Galvanised finish carbon steel.
- Conforms to EN 14592:2008+A1:2012 and Eurocode 5 classification:

Service Class 3: unprotected outdoor environment / exposed directly to atmosphere, high humidity, coastal areas (e.g. fasteners with a 50micron Hot Dip Galv coating or stainless steel).

Product Specification

BrandsFischer 534717, Paslode 141235, Timco FirmaHold CHDT90G
MaterialCarbon Steel
Length (mm)90
FinishHot Dip Galvanised (HDG)
Diameter (mm)3.1
Head TypeClipped Head
Dimensions (metric)3.1mm x 90mm
Harmonised StandardEN 14592:2008+A1:2012
Interior Or Exterior UseOutdoors, exposed to weather
IncludesFuel Cells x2
MPN534717, 141235, CHDT90G
Pack TypeTrade
EAN4048962406986, 5701291412354, 5055017596171
Nail TypePlain Shank
Service Class (EN 14592)3
Collation Angle34